Dealer's Choice

Wow, it has been a very long time since my last post. I've been so busy and feel like I could write my spew of consciousness first post all over again! Deep breaths. 'Blogger burn-out' is something I've read about recently, and feel like it happened for me fairly quickly. So, in an effort to go easy on myself, I'm trying to not feel like a failure and get back to it slowly but we go:

Playing card design is something that has always stuck out to me. I love how something so simple can be reinvented over and over again in such cheeky, smart, tactile and luxurious ways. Below is a collection of just twenty of my favorites. And yes, I have a Pinterest board dedicated to playing card design for further inspiration! 


one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. nine. ten. eleven. twelve. thirteen. fourteen. fifteen. sixteen. seventeen. eighteen. nineteen. twenty.

Almost all of these are under $15 and make awesome gifts. Who doesn't like to have a deck of cool cards laying around for the odd game night? Did I miss any aces you think should make this top 20 list of designer decks?


New IKEA Catalog Has Arrived!


Faux Marbletop Coffeetable Ikea-Hack