Yesterday We Marched

Womens MarchWomens March

In case you missed it:

Yesterday, January 21st, 2017, the day after the Inauguration, millions of men, women, adults, teenagers, tweens, kids, woke-babies, LGBTQIA, Christians, Muslims, Catholics, Jews, citizens, celebrities, politicians and even John Kerry's dog marched peacefully all over the country and across the globe in support of women's rights and global unity. I marched along with everyone in both Stamford, CT and later at the big one in NYC. Right before heading to the train, I thought to grab my DSLR on a whim and am SO GLAD I did as I was able to document almost the whole day before the battery died after over 4 hours of marching!

Along with all the politics and powerful show of force that blew me away; the combination of DIY skills and type/handlettering that appeared on all protest signage was a sight to see on its own! From cardboard and sharpie, to glitter and craft paper, to full on Papier Mâché and true artistry, they came in all shapes and sizes and messages. And hot damn, were there A LOT OF SIGNS. I've been so enjoying seeing all of the 'the nastiest signs of the Women's March' type articles (here and here for example) popping up today, showcasing the signs from D.C. and all over. Especially loving this instagram account dedicated to them.   

So, I'm sharing almost every photo I took along the route, capturing the handmade signs, the messages of love, resistance, the sculptures, the art, the people, the Chrysler Building, Grand Central: The Women's March on NYC

If you've made it this far, I shall leave you with this:

"Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality."
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

DelightsDesign, DIY